Privacy Policy

・ Exergy Power Systems, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as ” We “) shall comply with the laws and regulations and other standards relating to the protection of personal information.

・ We will prevent and correct unauthorized access to personal information, loss, destruction, alteration, and leakage of personal information.

・ We continuously review and improve our personal information protection system.

・ We use the acquired personal information only for the following purposes. In each case, we are paying close attention to the handling in accordance with this privacy policy.

Purpose of using personal information

・ For the purpose of responding to inquiries and after-sales service regarding our products and services
・ For the purpose of improving our products and services
・ For the purpose of notifying of changes in the specifications or contents of our products or services
・ For the purpose of fulfilling rights and obligations under various laws and regulations (including the management of shareholders as stipulated in the Corporate Law, etc.)

・ For the purpose of improving the website by statistically summarizing the IP addresses and Cookie recorded on the website

Provision to Third Parties

We may disclose the information to mailers, our manufacturing contractors, co-developments of our products, and other business entities deemed necessary by us (hereinafter referred to as “Cooperating Companies”) within the scope of the purposes of use specified in this policy.
In addition, we may disclose personal information to non-Cooperating Companies if it is necessary to disclose such information in accordance with laws or to protect the rights, property, and safety of us and users.
In all cases, we will pay close attention to the handling of personal information and provide or disclose it through all due procedures.

Management of personal information

We will safely handle acquired personal information under our strict control. We may outsource the handling of personal information as part of operations to companies that we judge to be trustworthy and have concluded confidentiality agreements with. In such cases, we will ensure that they comply with the same treatment of personal information as we do.

Disclosure and Correction, etc. of Registration Information

We manage personal information of users as accurately and up-to-date as possible and disclose registered information upon user’s request.
In addition, if there is a request that the content is not accurate, we will check the content and add, change, correct, or delete the registered information as necessary.
However, if the registration is deleted, some products and services may not be provided.
Requests for disclosure or correction of personal information may be made in accordance with procedures separately established by us.

Contact for inquiries and complaints about the handling of personal information in this policy

For inquiries about this policy or complaints about the handling of our personal information, please contact us at the following.

〒113-0033 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo

Exergy Power Systems, Inc.
Inquiry Contact

Please note that we cannot accept direct visits or telephone inquiries.